Home Alone Holiday Heist Traps

Kevin McCallister, Alex Pruitt, Finn Baxter, and Max Mercer all used various booby traps for the criminals. Their functions were:

Home Alone

Harry Lyme

  • Gets shot in the groin by a BB gun (before Marv).
  • Slips and falls twice on the ice-covered steps approaching the front door.
  • His right hand is severely burned when he places it on the searing-hot doorknob (which comes from an electric barbecue starter on the other side). Although he puts it out with snow near the stairs, it inflicts a permanent scar in the shape of a capital "m" which was seen in the sequel.
  • His head gets burned by a blowtorch when he opens the back door, and again, he puts it out with snow, melting his hat.
  • Walks into plastic wrap covered with caulking glue and blasted with feathers blowing from a fan, causing him to look like a chicken.
  • Slips on Kevin's Micromachines at the foot of the stairs (with Marv).
  • Gets hit in the face (losing his cherished gold tooth) with a paint can while going up the stairs, is knocked off them, and crushes Marv (with Marv).
  • Falls down after tripping on a wire and is knocked unconscious.
  • Accidentally gets hit in the stomach with a crowbar by Marv, who was trying to kill Buzz's pet tarantula, Axl.
  • Falls after swinging into a wall while attempting to use a rope to cross to Kevin's tree house due to Kevin cutting the rope with hedge clippers (with Marv).
  • Gets hit by Old Man Marley with a snow shovel after Kevin's capture (after Marv).

Marv Murchins

  • Gets shot in the forehead with a BB gun (after Harry).
  • Slips and tumbles down on his back to the ice-covered stairway entrance to the basement, falls on the ice, and gets hit in the head with his crowbar when he tries to get up.
  • Gets hit in the face with an iron that falls down the laundry chute after pulling a light switch attached to the iron. It leaves a massive iron-shaped mark on his face.
  • Loses his shoes and socks while going up the tar-covered basement stairs and jams a nail into his foot after stepping on it, causing him to fall back down to the floor and scream in immense pain.
  • Slips on ice again after leaving the basement.
  • Steps on Christmas ornaments barefoot (making him scream in even more pain) when he comes in through a back window.
  • Slips on Kevin's Micromachines at the foot of the stairs (with Harry).
  • Gets hit in the face with a paint can while going up the stairs and is knocked off them (with Harry).
  • Gets crushed by Harry when he falls off the stairs.
  • Kevin plants Buzz's pet tarantula, Axl, onto Marv's face after he grabs his foot, making him scream in panic and let go of Kevin's foot.
  • Falls after swinging into a wall while attempting to use a rope to cross to Kevin's tree house due to Kevin cutting the rope with a hedge clipper (with Harry).
  • Gets hit by Old Man Marley with a snow shovel after Kevin's capture (before Harry).

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

Harry Lyme

  • Slips on pearls dropped by Kevin (with Marv).
  • Gets punched in the face by "The Model" after Kevin creates a diversion by pinching her butt cheek (when Kevin blames him for the act).
  • Crushes the roof of a parked car after flying from a seesaw triggered by Marv.
  • Tries to grab ahold of the bottom rung of a fire escape that Kevin greased with Monster Sap Soap, causing him to fall to the ground.
  • A bag of tools falls on him when he kicks open the back door.
  • His head gets burned by a blowtorch again when he tries to turn on a light in the bathroom; then he attempts to turn on the sink, but it doesn't work so he puts it out in the toilet, unaware that Kevin had filled the bowl with kerosene, almost blows up the apartment, and comes back out of the toilet with the whole bathroom burned up, along with his head, melting his hat again.
  • Falls from a sawed ladder.
  • Narrowly dodges paint cans swinging on the stairs but gets hit by a piece of sewer pipe and flung to a basement where he is hit again by the same pipe after Kevin cuts the rope holding it (with Marv).
  • Gets crushed by a tool chest that falls down the stairs (with Marv).
  • Falls three stories when Kevin ignites the rope that he was climbing down on (it was soaked in kerosene) and gets covered head to toe with varnish (with Marv).
  • Showered with birdseed by the Pigeon Lady, gets covered in pigeons which peck him, and their feathers stick to the varnish (with Marv).

Marv Murchins

  • Slips on pearls dropped by Kevin (with Harry).
  • Gets punched in the face by "The Model" after Kevin creates a diversion by pinching her butt cheek (before Kevin blames Harry for the act).
  • Has four bricks thrown at his face by Kevin from the roof of the apartment building, which Harry just dodges.
  • Gets three staples shot in his butt cheek, groin, and nose from a staple gun on the other side of the front door.
  • Falls through a giant hole into the basement.
  • Steps into a puddle of Monster Sap Soap, slips, falls onto his back, and slides into a big shelf of open paint cans which fall on him, covering him in paint.
  • Gets electrocuted by an arc welder that Kevin connects to the sink while trying to wash off the paint, making his skull be seen briefly.
  • Gets hit in the face by a hundred-pound bag of dry cement.
  • Narrowly dodges paint cans swinging on the stairs but gets hit by a piece of sewer pipe and flung to a basement where he is hit again by the same pipe after Kevin cuts the rope holding it (with Harry).
  • Gets crushed by a tool chest that falls down the stairs (with Harry).
  • Falls three stories when Kevin ignites the rope that he was climbing down on and gets covered head to toe with varnish (with Harry).
  • Showered with birdseed by the Pigeon Lady, gets covered in pigeons which peck him, and their feathers stick to the varnish (with Harry).

Home Alone 3

Petr Beaupre

  • Gets hit on the head by a trunk of books and a barbel (with Earl Unger).
  • Injures himself in an attempt to open the front door which Alex screwed shut.
  • Gets sprayed in the eyes with black spray paint, making it look like he's wearing a mask.
  • Gets hit in the groin by a spring-loaded boxing glove and falls on his gun, causing it to misfire at him.
  • Steps on a whoopie cushion with speakers by it, startling him.
  • Falls down a loose plank of boards into the basement and nearly crushes Alice.
  • Alex scares him with a bubble gun resembling a glock.
  • Gets injured by an explosion of fireworks in a snow fort.

Earl Unger

  • Gets electrically shocked in an attempt to cut a yarn fence wired by Alex.
  • Collides with the door knocker when he jumps onto the welcome mat with marbles underneath.
  • Gets hit by a trunk of books and then a barbel (with Peter Beaupre).
  • Gets hit by a water balloon and plaster.
  • Gets hit on the head by a window.
  • Gets his feet caught in two Mega Bloks wagons filled with flooring adhesive.
  • Trips over a board and falls into the basement, gets his fingers caught in a mousetrap, accidentally shoots a toilet pipe, and gets covered in sewage.
  • Lands in the frozen swimming pool when the trampoline gives way after jumping from the roof (with Burton Jernigan).

Burton Jernigan

  • Gets electrically shocked by sitting on a chair that Alex wired to a golf cart battery, which fires the bullets on his gun belt and launches him into the wall twice.
  • Gets soaked by a garden hose.
  • A running lawnmower falls onto him after he pulls a stuffed monkey from the garage attic (thinking it was Alex) that Alex attached to the lawnmower cord, resulting in an awful haircut.
  • Falls three stories into the basement and lands on a toilet, which is crushed under his weight.
  • Gets hit in the groin with a hockey stick by Alice when she attempts to kill Alex's pet rat, Doris.
  • Lands in the frozen swimming pool when the trampoline gives way after jumping from the roof (with Earl Unger).

Alice Ribbons

  • Gets dragged by a dog after it's attracted to Alex's dog whistle.
  • Gets her hand stuck in a bucket of industrial-strength glue. She struggles to get free, but loses a glove.
  • Gets caught in mud and loses her boots in an attempt to trespass and gets hit by two Santa flower pots.
  • Injures her back in an attempt to use the hand rails (which break) to swing herself up onto the porch.
  • Falls down a plank of boards into the basement (before Peter Beaupre).
  • Is tricked into hitting Jernigan in the groin with a hockey stick in an attempt to kill Alex's pet rat, Doris.
  • Falls three stories down the dumbwaiter shaft to the basement because Alex removed the bottom, resulting in temporary paralysis.

Home Alone 4: Taking Back The House

Marv Murchins

  • Gets hit in the head by a door when Kevin closes it.
  • Kevin washes him away with water (with Vera).
  • Gets hit in the rump by a hook, which sends him flying out of a window.
  • Kevin hits him with a pan.
  • Gets soaked in cheese fondue.
  • Gets hit and knocked back across the kitchen by a closing door (with Vera) onto the stove and gets his bottom burned.
  • His head and hand almost get crushed by the dumbwaiter.
  • Gets hit with a pot (before Vera).
  • Gets crushed by the cupboard after he pulls a pair of shoes.
  • Kevin plays a recording of him, making it sound like he's insulting Vera. She then slaps his face and they get into an argument.
  • Kevin flies a toy airplane at him, which hits him in the groin and causes him to slide down the stairs, taking Vera along with him.
  • Gets caught in the rotating wall while Kevin continually speeds it up, goes flying into a chandelier, and falls onto the floor (with Vera).
  • Trips over Buzz and Megan's feet and lands in a bush (with Vera).

Vera Murchins

  • Kevin washes her away with water (with Marv).
  • Gets soaked in chocolate fondue.
  • Gets hit and knocked back across the kitchen by a closing door (with Marv)
  • Gets hit with a pot (after Marv).
  • Gets into an argument with Marv.
  • Falls down the stairs after Marv slides into her.
  • Gets caught in the rotating wall while Kevin continually speeds it up, goes flying into a chandelier, and falls onto the floor (with Marv).
  • Trips over Buzz and Megan's feet and lands in a bush (with Marv).

Molly Murchins

  • Gets stuck in the elevator after Kevin jams it.
  • Gets hit by a big serving tray by Prescott.

Home Alone: The Holiday Heist


  • Gets drenched with eggnog.
  • Gets kicked hard in the groin and face while trying to pull Jessica out of a window (with Hughes).
  • Gets his foot caught in a strand of Christmas lights while trying to climb into a window, causing him to lose his balance, fall, swing around, and crash into the house.
  • Gets really scared after Finn sets up his room to look like it's haunted by Jimmy "Dead Leg" Gravano's ghost.
  • Runs into walls full of wrapping paper and tape.
  • Finn pushes him down the stairs.
  • Finn pulls a rope and locks him in the basement (with Hughes).


  • Pulls a barbel from a ramp, which rolls under the garage door and trips him (with Jessica).
  • Activates a snowblower that launches marbles at him.
  • Gets kicked hard in the groin and face while trying to pull Jessica out of a window (with Sinclair).
  • Eats a nasty-tasting gingerbread man and accidentally drinks a glass of glue which looks like milk.
  • Turns on the garbage disposal which shoots cotton balls that stick to the glue on his face.
  • Finn pulls a rope and locks him in the basement (with Sinclair).


  • Pulls a barbel from a ramp, which rolls under the garage door and trips her (with Hughes).
  • Gets hit in the face with a stocking full of coal.
  • Gets stuck in a window.
  • Gets tar dumped onto her head.
  • Finn shoots her three times in the butt with ping pong balls using his slingshot. This causes her to kick Sinclair and Hughes hard in the groin and face when they're trying to pull her out of a window.
  • Mason pelts her with snowballs and knocks her out with a chunk of ice.
  • Gets trapped in a snowman by Mason.

Home Sweet Home Alone

Jeff McKenzie

  • Drives on an icy road and crashes into a lamppost (with Pam).
  • Slips on the icy driveway and lands flat on his back. (with Pam).
  • Is blinded by an outdoor light and falls over.
  • Is blinded by an outdoor light again, slides across the icy driveway, and smacks into a lamppost.
  • Eats cookies covered with chocolate mixed with hot sauce and drinks milks that's also mixed with something spicy.
  • Pushes a button on the burglar alarm with a thumbtack attached to it.
  • Gets shot in the forehead with a billiard ball.
  • Has a VR headset put on him making him think he's on a mountain top and ends up crashing into a shelf after trying to jump across a ledge.
  • Has his head accidently get hit by a door repeatedly by Pam.
  • Gets hit in the head by a bag of flour connected to a rope and a jug of milk connected to another rope.
  • Gets shot in the groin by a bag of sugar and falls down several stairs.
  • Attempts to pull himself up the butter-covered stairs by grabbing a railing which breaks, causing him to fall down several stairs.
  • Is knocked over by Pam after she's sent flying by a yoga ball.
  • Jumps from a ledge and lands on a tilted trampoline that bounces him headfirst into a tree branch, resulting him losing a tooth and landing on a broken chair.
  • Has several icicles fall on him and then trips on a trip wire.

Pam McKenzie

  • Drives on an icy road and crashes into a lamp post (with Jeff).
  • Slips on the icy driveway and lands flat on her back (with Jeff).
  • Is blinded by an outdoor light, trips over a Christmas tree, and gets tangled up in its lights.
  • Gets sprayed and hit with twelve bottles of diet soda.
  • Steps in a puddle of lighter fluid and gets her shoes burned off by a firecracker connected to a toy car.
  • Sprayed with water by a taped up hose.
  • Has her big toe whacked by a spoon.
  • Steps on LEGOs, falls over, and gets her hands and knees punctured by them.
  • Slips and falls down the butter-covered stairs.
  • Gets shot with darts with thumbtacks attached to them by two Nerf guns.
  • Gets a weight launched at her that lands on her foot.
  • Is sent flying, slides across the floor knocking over Jeff, and bounces down the stairs on a yoga ball.
  • Jumps from a ledge and lands flat on her face.



Source: https://homealone.fandom.com/wiki/Booby_traps

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