What to Say to Somebody You Want to See Again

One of the hardest things to practise is let someone downward. After all, no one likes rejection. But what if you're just non into that person?

How do you tell a guy he's not your blazon, or that y'all already have someone else, or that you're just non interested in him?

Here are examples from experts that may work for you:

Table of Contents

  • "I enjoyed our dates, but I desire to exist upfront with you. I don't feel we are uniform for the long term."
  • "You have a lot to offering, merely I don't experience you and I are the right fit."
  • "It'due south flattering that y'all're reaching out, but I'k in a relationship."
  • "I want to exist straight with you; I'm seeing other guys right at present."
  • "Hey, I had a smashing fourth dimension with you, just I'thou just not interested right now."
    • Tips for text
    • Tips for contiguous chat
  • Have the time to send an honest text
  • Requite out hints through trunk linguistic communication
  • "This is Joe, he's like a brother to me"
  • Tell him you want to focus on something else – like yourself
  • "I'm lamentable, I just didn't experience a connection."
  • "I'm just not interested in dating you."
  • "I beloved the fact that you make me laugh, just I don't run into this every bit something with long-term potential."
  • "I don't want to ghost you because I have too much respect for you."
  • "I love hanging out with you lot, and I desire to continue to spend fourth dimension with you, minus the romantic stuff."
  • Remember about how it would feel if the roles were reversed
  • Utilize the "similar-business organization-proposition" technique
    • Like
    • Concern
    • Proffer
  • Do not ghost the guy
  • Send him an honest text
  • Do the sandwich method
  • "I know you mean well for me, but I'm but not interested in beingness with you."
  • "There's someone else in my life right at present that I'm interested in, and I felt you should know."

"I enjoyed our dates, merely I desire to exist upfront with you. I don't experience we are compatible for the long term."

The dating game can be tricky. But, information technology's fifty-fifty trickier when you aren't clear on what you want from someone you're dating, and you don't know how to use the proper techniques to communicate your needs.

Related: How to Figure out What Yous Want in a Relationship

Instead of allowing yourself to autumn into the incorrect scenarios, hither are five proven strategies to assist y'all disconnect from someone you're just not interested in dating:

Use engineering to your advantage

Sometimes, you may have told someone you're dating, and you simply aren't interested. But, inevitably, they didn't pay much attention or even human activity as though you lot oasis't had this give-and-take with them.

Use the power of texting or a phone call to brand the message articulate. Texting them that though you capeesh who they are and what they bring to the tabular array is impressive, they are not the right connectedness for y'all at this time.

Putting things into words in black and white can help to provide more clarity, and this is entirely appropriate if y'all accept had less than 4 dates to use the text option to opt out of the relationship. If you have dated longer than this menstruum, having this chat via phone would testify sensitivity and maturity.

Keep it short and simple

People detest it when you say things like, "It'south non you, it'southward me!" It both of you, and the lesser line is there isn't a connection pushing yous to stay or want to exist in a human relationship with this person. Permit them know that.

Yous can simply country something similar, "I enjoyed our dates, merely I want to be upfront with you. I don't feel we are compatible for the long term."

Be freaking honest

When someone likes you lot, giving them hope tin be like telling your bestie they wait great in that clothes they don't await so keen wearing! There is goose egg like giving false hope to someone or having them retrieve something is improve than it actually may be.

Information technology'south why when we want the truth, we go to the friend nosotros know will be honest.

Then delight, delight don't friend zone a guy you don't similar or have an interest in dating. Information technology'south like the indefinite tease. Simply do that one thing y'all would want someone to do for y'all instead of stringing y'all along if y'all feel them and aren't feeling you.

"You lot accept a lot to offer, but I don't feel y'all and I are the right fit."

Be honest. Yous could say something like, "You take a lot to offer, but I don't experience y'all, and I are the right fit." If y'all desire to have it a pace further, you can add to this statement:

"Yous deserve someone who will appreciate everything yous bring to the tabular array, and I don't want to be the one who is standing in your way of you receiving that connectedness."

Think of all of the people who may have led you on in which you lost time. And how you could have possibly been with someone in which you could have had a real connection. Now opposite this and do the favor for this person in which you accept absolutely no involvement in dating for the long-term.

Be the skillful karma nosotros all would like to receive!

"Information technology's flattering that you're reaching out, but I'thou in a relationship."

It'due south not uncommon if yous are bonny and desirable to go some DM action via social media. Social media is bully in that you can connect with people yous may not accept met before. Just social media tin be exhausting in that a lot of people think they can shoot their shot with yous.

Don't despair! If someone reaches out via social media that you just aren't interested in, just let them know. Hither are a couple of cool responses, "It's flattering that yous're reaching out, but I'one thousand in a relationship."

Use this if it is really truthful because call back you are practicing the power of honesty. Or, you can say, "Cheers for the message, only I'm taking some me-time correct now."

"I desire to be straight with you; I'm seeing other guys right now."

If you lot are in a relationship, dating someone with whom you lot have better chemistry or a better connection, or dating multiple people, you can be direct and share this information.

You might say something like, "I desire to be straight with you lot; I'm seeing other guys right at present."

As you probably noticed, there is a pattern of showing disinterest. It'south keeping things short, simple, and to the point! It's beingness direct, so there isn't confusion or a misunderstanding.

Next fourth dimension someone you're non interested in shows up in your life, stay on topic and let them honestly know where you stand. It volition earn you some respect and credibility. More than chiefly, it will help put you on the correct path to discovering the person in which you actually may have some interest.

"Hey, I had a peachy time with you lot, just I'm simply non interested right at present."

It can be quite difficult to have this revelation when you've already invested time & energy in someone. It'll be fifty-fifty hard if y'all have already let your friends know nearly him too.

It's never elementary to intermission things off, merely the longer you look, the more time y'all're wasting. There's no easy way to go it done, but these tips can surely make things become smoothly.

There are two ways to say that you are not interested:

  • Confront to face
  • Via text or email

Although face-to-face is the best and more mature manner to become, if you have been only on a few dates, information technology's acceptable to simply say it via text/email. Just don't ghost him afterward that. Yous don't desire karma to step in.

If he wants to have a conversation, and if you feel comfortable, you lot should have that. However, if you don't experience like information technology, just tell him that you are non interested.

When to use text and face to confront?

Less than 3 dates: If you lot have been to only a few dates with him or maybe 1, yous should consider doing this via text. However, face-to-face is much more preferred.

More than than 3 dates: Suppose you lot take been on more than 3 dates and accept already invested time in that human relationship. It'due south in the best interest of both to do this face-to-face. Information technology'll brand yous seem more mature and make the process easier.

Tips for text

Have a simple outline and two to five sentences max. No one-liners or full-on case written report is needed for this. Finish with your initial at the end. A guy tin exist on multiple dates. The final affair you want him is to misfile you with someone else.

For example:

"Hey, I had a neat time with you lot, simply I'm non feeling a connexion betwixt us. I'm not interested in continuing this any further."
– Your name

Tips for face-to-face conversation

Be straightforward and quick

Yous don't want to drag the conversation also long every bit it'll make things fifty-fifty more awkward and hard to do. Being straightforward and quick is the way to go. Remember you lot are there considering y'all are not interested, and then why waste material both of your valuable time.

Be honest

Don't make things up for the sake of that conversation only. You have the correct to choose with whom you want to spend your time with. Being honest is the best way to get.

  • Good case: "Hey, I had a cracking time with y'all, but I'm just non interested right at present."
  • Bad example: "I've decided not to date anymore. I'1000 taking a pause. It'due south not you; it'due south me."

Stay polite during the conversation

Just because you are non interested, information technology'due south not fair to be rude during the process. In a at-home voice, politely tell him that this volition assistance you end that conversation hands without creating a scene and both of you will take each other'south respect.

The world'southward a small place—yous might finish upwards running into him again at some point or some other. Burning a bridge, or piling on things you hated well-nigh them afterward delivering the news, isn't the best manner to handle things.

Tell him exactly what you feel

During the process, you should tell him exactly what is making you lot feel that way. If y'all can just tell him the reason and they are legit, he'll totally empathize your situation.

If you take been on more than 3 dates, there should be no valid reason to just say that yous are not interested. Remember being upcoming and honest will go a long mode.

Be respectful

Maybe you rushed to go involved with him after being single for a long time, or maybe you were also excited at the beginning but made a wrong telephone call and lost involvement afterward a while. Maybe you even continued the dates because you lot were bored.

Center your conversation around the facts that truly justifies the matter.

Fill the conversation with compliments likewise

Don't merely brand the conversation highlight what yous don't like and why you are not interested. Make sure to squeeze in a few positive sides and compliments during the chat.

This will keep the conversation within the boundary of credence. If you recollect about it, there will be a few things that maybe you liked near him. Make sure to compliment him nigh that.

End the conversation with a position tone

Subsequently the conversation, brand certain to end things on a positive annotation, and both of y'all take a common agreement. This will help to become over it quickly and move on.

In that location is no one solution that can comprehend every aspect of the conversation. Still, if y'all follow these tips, y'all can get out of the situation while maintaining a positive and healthy connectedness with him.

The world is a pocket-size place; y'all never know what you might get in the future. And then, exist honest, respectful, and have a positive vibe.

Take the time to transport an honest text

Instead of ghosting the guy and making him wonder what happened, try to take the more than straight approach by sending them a direct but dainty bulletin. If the tables are turned, yous would want the same handling.

Send them a text, thanking them for their time, but it just wouldn't work out betwixt the ii of you. Brand information technology clear that they are not unlovable; they are just not the correct fit for you. This kindness would make it easier for the both of you to be cordial and move on without being biting.

Give out hints through trunk language

If you lot are not comfortable turning him down through an awkward conversation, you could slowly let him know by giving clear hints using body language. Simply brand sure that your actions are clear and don't lead to confusion.

For instance, if he tries to initiate skin contact with you, go on a distance and be sure to let them run into that you are setting that boundary. Just call back to always be respectful virtually it.

"This is Joe, he's like a brother to me"

Do you want to friendzone a guy? Innovate him equally your brother from another mother. Nothing beats this subtle tactic of telling a guy you lot're non interested in him romantically.

If you tin't handle confrontation considering yous're agape you might break his heart, hinting is your all-time strategy.

Tell him you want to focus on something else – like yourself

Admit the truth that you lot are non yet ready for a romantic relationship, and once y'all do, information technology would probably be not with him. Let him know what things are keeping you tied at the moment.

It tin can be your career, a goal, a hobby, a passion, or focusing on yourself. A good guy would understand but take annotation that to make an omelet, yous accept to break a few eggs—he will exist hurt, but being the good guy that he is, he'll get over information technology.

Dr. Brenda Wade

Brenda Wade

Clinical Psychologist | Human relationship Advisor, Online For Love

"I'thousand pitiful, I but didn't experience a connexion."

So you lot met someone interested in you lot, but you are not interested in them? While communication is an essential part of the dating earth, telling someone yous aren't interested in them isn't always easy. We all fear rejection to some extent, and justifiably so.

It's no fun to put your centre on the line and have it crushed into tiny little pieces.

If you aren't proactive with conversations, get days without texting him, and avoid physical bear on, you are most certainly not interested in him. Body linguistic communication is the truth serum that indicates whether or not you are interested in someone. Most of the time, the other party will be able to read your torso language and understand that you may not be interested in them.

Some ways to tell someone you aren't interested in can become in various ways and can be unpredictable.

It'south extremely important to exist kind and respectful before communicating your feelings towards them. Think, yous don't have to get into detail every bit to why you are not interested. All the same, practice go along in mind that hearing 'no' from someone hurts. Going into detail about why you aren't interested in them will be hurtful to hear.

If you are not sure what to say, here are some suggested statements:

  • "Cheers. All the same, I don't feel it'southward a skilful fit."
  • "I'k sorry, I just didn't feel a connectedness."

Nevertheless, if they exercise push, they are crossing a boundary. If they are determined near pushing their interest onto you, use the "broken record technique" to stay assertive. With that technique, simply say, "thank you, no," and go out the stage. No one should always brand you feel guilty or uncomfortable because you aren't interested in them.

Lastly, recall to practice the golden rule. Treat them as yous want to be treated: Refuse them the style you lot'd prefer to be rejected when yous're doing the request.

Once again, if they cross any boundaries, stay firm and articulate.

"I'g only not interested in dating y'all."

It's okay to tell him, "I'm just not interested in dating y'all." Sometimes it's best to be directly and avoid leading someone on. Most guys appreciate when they're dealing with someone who is a straight-shooter.

Guys tend to be pretty direct without calculation a lot of emotional fluff to the conversation, and then he'll appreciate that you're speaking his language!

"I dear the fact that you make me laugh, but I don't come across this as something with long-term potential."

Tell him what you appreciate nearly him before letting him down. Say something like, "I love the fact that you make me express joy, only I don't come across this every bit something with long-term potential."

When you genuinely compliment him, information technology will be easier to let him know that you lot are not interested in dating him.

"I don't want to ghost you because I have too much respect for you."

Explain that y'all're beingness honest about your feelings because you have a high level of respect for him. Say, "I don't want to simply ghost y'all or avoid having this conversation because I have too much respect for you."

Y'all can likewise tell him that you try to e'er operate with a loftier level of integrity and hope that he tin can respect that in return. Information technology'south difficult to be mad at someone who has respect for herself and for you.

"I love hanging out with you, and I want to continue to spend time with you, minus the romantic stuff."

Tell him that you value his friendship, only only if you lot really do! Don't say, "allow's be friends," unless you truly hateful it. If you do want to remain friends, talk about what y'all see for the future of your human relationship.

Say, "I really love hanging out with you, and I want to continue to spend time with you, minus the romantic stuff."

Think almost how it would feel if the roles were reversed

Ask yourself how you lot would want him to handle it if he were the one telling you lot that he's not interested. When you put yourself in someone else'southward shoes, it's easier to see the right way to handle the situation.

Use the "similar-concern-suggestion" technique

I've taught a technique that works for both organizational or group situations and personal conversations, called LCS, or "similar-business-suggestion." LCS helps u.s.a. have confident, courageous conversations.

The following two examples demonstrate how to frame our wording in a business or organizational setting, that could likewise be used for telling a guy y'all're not interested in him.

Using LCS in a Grouping or Team

Permit's commencement with an example from a project team. Imagine a pocket-sized grouping has been brainstorming how to improve their project's results, and a team member wants to provide feedback on some of the word. She might share the following:

  • Like: "What I like about Stan'south thought is the potential for improving A and B…"
  • CONCERN: "I'm concerned this doesn't all the same assist us with problem X…"
  • SUGGESTION: "I advise we consider thoughts Y and Z to help with our objective."

Using LCS in a Personal Setting

At present permit's apply the technique to detect a kind manner to tell a guy you lot're just not interested. Nosotros don't have to say we're not interested specifically with "him." Notice, likewise, that we tin can adapt the language while reflecting the intention of LCS.


  • "Martin, I like the time we've spent over the by [insert time frame]…"
  • "Martin, I've enjoyed [insert effect(s)],…"

Business organization

  • "As I've gotten to know you meliorate, I retrieve our interests differ in ways that are important to me…"
  • "While this has been fun, I'chiliad looking to connect with someone more than aligned with my interests …"


  • "I prefer to explore meeting upwards with some new people."
  • "Why don't we try the speed dating event next week at [insert local hot spot] to see if we can each meet some new people?"

Sometimes I've made the statements silly or outrageous and, because these were said in fun, obtained the desired outcome. At the end of the solar day, if we're able to communicate "I'chiliad just not interested" in a way that doesn't burn bridges, cause hurt, or humiliate the other person, we both win.

No one likes to decline people, and no 1 likes receiving a rejection. However, information technology's a part of life. We tin't avoid having to leave people, especially when information technology comes to dating guys. We have our standards and likes, sometimes, guys don't meet them, and we take to turn down them to stop them from expecting anything further.

Once you run into the signs that he's interested in you, yet you don't feel the aforementioned way, it's time to tell him you're not interested.

Here are 3 means to tell a guy you're not interested:

Practice non ghost the guy

If you're not interested in someone, never retrieve most ghosting the guy. If you've never been ghosted, let me tell you lot: information technology'southward very frustrating!

Give some respect to him and don't simply disappear from the face of the Earth. There's cypher wrong with being upfront and honest to him that you're non interested and tell him why. Almost of the time, a guy tin sympathise.

Send him an honest text

If you lot're someone that doesn't feel comfortable rejecting someone in person, it's okay. You can always ship him an honest text. Make sure, to be honest, and say it like information technology is.

Sometimes, information technology tin can exist easier to put our feelings into writing, then if you're more than comfortable with that, go for it. However, take annotation that some concrete cues aren't at that place when it comes to texts, so they might be misunderstood.

Craft a message that he tin sympathise clearly—one that has no room for misunderstanding.

Do the sandwich method

Yous're giving bad news, so deliver information technology in the best mode possible. The best way to do this is by using the sandwich method: Sandwich the bad news in the middle of compliments.

Let them know of any great qualities they have before and later you say y'all're non interested. This method will help lessen the hurt that they will experience.

Wait that it will be complicated and awkward—there'south no stopping that. Simply it's great to know that y'all've done your best to be respectful and do the rejection in the best way possible.

Information technology's important to be nice, but likewise exist firm at the same time so that you're clear on what your boundaries and expectations are. Honesty is e'er the best policy. Lying can lead to more lies.

At that place's also never a need to apologize for non being interested unless you've been purposely sending them mixed messages or something malicious.

Finally, how you word things will depend on the situation. For instance, if you however want to be friends, it's going to warrant a different response versus cut someone off completely.

Onto the examples:

Option 1: When you desire to remain friends

"It's really flattering that you desire to accept our relationship to a different place, merely I have to be honest, it's just not something I'm interested in at the moment. However, I genuinely enjoy your visitor and desire to brand every effort to continue to exist friends. I really hope you understand."

Selection two: When you desire to cut them off completely

"To be completely upfront with you lot, I'm just not feeling the compatibility betwixt us, and I remember information technology'southward best for the states to go our separate ways. A romantic relationship is not something I'm interested in, but I really practise wish yous the best."

Option 3: When yous desire to leave it open depending on their feelings

"I've had a great time getting to know you, just I don't feel that our chemistry fits for a romantic kind of relationship. Personally, I'd really like to continue seeing y'all as friends if you're open to information technology, just if you lot're not then, I totally go it."

"I know you lot mean well for me, but I'm only not interested in being with yous."

Telling a guy you're not interested in him has to be done with tact because some men don't know how to handle rejection well, especially if they're used to getting their way with the women that they usually toast or flirt with. This can be done in person or via text, whichever one works all-time for you lot.

Employ your words

Exist upfront with the guy that you lot're not interested in by telling him how yous honestly feel almost his advances and hope that he takes information technology in skillful faith. Apply compliments every bit a cushion before dropping the unexpected flop.

  • "I call back you're an amazing guy, but right now, I'grand dedicated to focusing on myself and my career. Delight understand."
  • "Y'all've been naught but sugariness and kind to me, and at the moment, I do not accept infinite in my life for anyone."
  • "Hey (guy's name), I respect you a lot, and I have to be honest with you. We can't exist more than than friends.
  • "I know yous mean well for me, but I'thousand just non interested in existence with you."

"There's someone else in my life right now that I'thousand interested in, and I felt you should know."

If you're currently seeing someone else and this guy thinks he stands a chance with you, just tell him, and hopefully, he'll back away.

  • "At that place'southward someone else in my life right now that I'm interested in, and I felt you lot should know."
  • "I know how you feel about me, but I have feelings for someone else."
  • "I'm currently seeing someone."

Let your actions practise the talking

Phone call information technology cruel or childish, but some guys just tin can't take "No" for an answer. To avoid the unnecessary drama and outbursts that come up with these kinds of guys, ghosting is the manner.

I hate to say this, just this is one of the best ways to tell a guy who has been on your case for a while that you're not interested in him. I personally adopt ghosting; they'll get the message i mode or the other. I've done it a couple of times, and it worked for me. It'due south like he never existed after ghosting him.

How to ghost a guy you're non interested in:

  • Ignore his calls and messages.
  • Mute and block him on social media.
  • Avert going to places you know he frequents.
  • Modify your social media handles and pictures, and he won't be able to find you.

If the guy persists and continues to be a pest, you have every right to written report him to the police force for harassment.

Alina Clark

Alina Clark

Growth Managing director and Co-Founder, CocoDoc

Telling a guy that you're not interested in him takes some guts and courage. However, it still has to be done because leading someone on is an absolute no-no when it comes to relationships.

More often than not, it all comes down to how y'all desire to arroyo information technology and the impression you want to put across. All factors considered, the post-obit tips should piece of work merely rights.

Tell them early

At that place's nothing worse than leading someone on for months, then breaking the news on them when they're in deep. If anything, you should counterbalance out your likings and decide whether you're interested in a person within the first 2 dates.

Letting your flirting and meetups become for long will lead to deeper zipper. This volition brand information technology harder and extremely awkward to tell him that you're not interested.

Don't ghost

Ghosting is not a skilful option when it comes to severing attachments. It breeds contempt and leaves the case unclosed. If anything, effort to gather your guts and face him with your conclusion. Besides, telling him that you're not interested will bring closure!

Use text if words neglect y'all

Telling someone that you lot have no interest in having a relationship with them is tough. Quite often, you may not take the words to convey the feeling.

And here comes applied science. Although it may seem escapist, using text volition help you lot keep the bulletin to the betoken. Also, a text volition convey the bulletin only fine.

Don't offering friendship as an culling

The "We can't engagement, but we tin still exist friends" or "yous feel like a brother to me" type of rejections are disastrous. Avoid using such messages if you can. Offering friendship as an alternative doesn't make someone feel amend nigh you lot. It just reinforces the rejection instead.

If anything, whatsoever future friendship after your message will exist bad-mannered. A more practical way to do and then is to let them decide whether they would want to be friends with you lot.

Be straightforward

Despite your methodology, being rejected is most likely going to be difficult for them. However, it's essential to exist straightforward and try not to burn through their time one time it's unmistakable you don't accept any heartfelt interest.

Fifty-fifty though having a give-and-take is extreme, being straight can go on away from significantly more harsh rejection and agony downwards the line.

Continue the conversations short

If you will do it over a call, subsequently the typical howdy'southward and welcomes, practice whatever information technology takes not to steer articulate of the real result a lot before getting to the essence of things.

Essentially, in case you're messaging, pass your message across in a couple of lines. On the off take chances that they pose inquiries, answer them equally cordially every bit possible, let them realize you lot need to go. The equivalent goes for face-to-confront associations.

Federica Bressan

Federica Bressan

International Researcher and Science Communicator | Podcast Host, Technoculture

Men can exist persistent. Sometimes it is a good sign, sometimes a blood-red

When it comes to letting them know I'1000 not interested, it depends
on who I am dealing with. Is this someone I intendance about and want to stay
friends with? Or someone I want to delete from my contacts as soon every bit

If you intendance, explicate your reasons

If you intendance about the person or wish to keep them in your life, you may
desire to consider giving them a sincere explanation. This will probably
make you feel vulnerable, simply information technology is the best approach when the other
political party is worthy of respect and tact.

Even if you call back that they may non understand or desist, you owe them one explanation. I said one. If they don't pick your cue, the silent treatment may exist your just option.

Silence may not ever work, merely information technology is your best pick

When the person you are trying to discourage is too persistent, whether
they are annoying or threatening or just sweetness and helplessly in love,
the silent treatment may be your best option.

Mind y'all; it may not always work.

Merely if you are certain you take delivered your message, and it's not going through, there's zip else for you to do than ignore the person birthday. Be consistent; this is very important. Don't option upward the telephone or reply to a message, not fifty-fifty to say no—radio silence.

Blocking their number is the final resort. I personally effort non to practice that too hands, simply if zip else works, that should country the message.

As a adult female in her late twenties, I can confidently say that I've had my fair share of boy problem and funny (or non so funny) dating stories. Without a doubt, one of the most bad-mannered situations to e'er be in is when y'all have to tell someone you're not interested in them.

You've gone on a date or 2 with this really nice, funny, attractive guy—but the spark is merely not there, or you lot've figured out that for some other reason, information technology simply wouldn't piece of work between you ii.

And then now y'all suddenly find yourself in a very very uncomfortable situation and outset thinking of means to allow them down easily.

Ghosting is a big no-no

No matter how unpleasant it may be, the one thing that's a big no-no for anyone who considers themselves a somewhat decent human existence is ghosting the person you're not interested in.

For some unknown reason, ghosting people has started to get a very frequent occurrence, and many of my friends take complained to me well-nigh it happening to them.

To be honest, I find the whole concept to be quite disrespectful and just manifestly rude—even if you don't terminate upwardly liking someone, at least let them know that yous wouldn't want to run across them again. It'south only the prissy thing to exercise in such an unpleasant situation.

Exist honest with the person and let them know it's not working

In my opinion, the best way to tell someone you're not interested in them is to merely be honest with the person and permit them know it's simply not working. Everyone is different and is looking for certain things in a meaning other, which is why I believe at that place isn't a person alive who hasn't been rejected at least one time by a love interest.

If you lot simply talk to the guy and explain to him that you lot're either looking for something more (or less) serious or that there simply isn't whatsoever chemistry on your part, I am certain this person would be thankful to you in the long term.

With that beingness said, and even though honesty is the best policy, there is a difference between being honest and existence rude and insensitive. That'south why you actually need to make sure to be mindful of the guy'due south feelings; otherwise, yous might terminate up creating massive insecurities for him that will haunt him for months or even years.

Just care for him the way you'd like to be treated if y'all really like someone, but they don't like yous back—be honest, exist respectful, and don't keep him on the claw.


Source: https://upjourney.com/how-to-tell-a-guy-you-are-not-interested

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